Classical Era: Revolution and Art
The Classical Era The Classical Era of art had many revolutionary impacts on art history. Because of this, I wanted to showcase a few revolutionary paintings. Before we take a look at some famous French Revolution art let's learn about what The Classical Era entailed. The two art styles of the time included Rococo and Neoclassicism. Rococo consisted of pastel colors, curving forms, and light subject matter. Neoclassicism focused more on displaying mortal virtue and patriotism and was often more symmetrical and simplistic. Although both styles are beautiful, the paintings displayed below are all in Neoclassicism style because they display exactly what the style encompasses. Unlike Rococo, they capture the reality of what the time period was like. All of the following paintings are also believed to have been painted in France. Now let's look at some art... The Death of Marat, Jacques-Louis David, 1793 This Neoclassicism painting represents the French Revolution. Jean Paul Marat ...