Early Modern Era: The Influence of The Great Depression
The Influence of The Great Depression The Great Depression had a great influence during the Early Modern Era. Not only was The Great Depression the longest and most severe Depression, its impacts were felt all over the world (Art 200x Text). During the Early Modern Era, art was subjected to both distraction and action thus causing inspiration for a variety of arts. Campaigns, advertisements, and even performing arts of the time period can often be seen as a reflection of The Great Depression and the state that the world was in. Apple Vendor , oil painting by Barbara Stevenson, 1933, USA Barbara Stevenson created the painting above for the Public Works of Art Project, a New Deal program created by the federal government to help support American artists during The Great Depression (SAAM). The painting captures what everyday life was like for many Americans at the time, doing what they can to get by. In this case, a man sits on the corner of the street selling fruit pies. His body languag...